Top 10 Makeups

Which is why we adore working with our favorite makeup artists around the country to show you their tricks and hopefully inspire you for your wedding day makeup!


1.We wouldn’t be able to start a top 10 list of our most popular makeup tutorials without our most famous at the top (pictured above)! This contour and highlight tutorial  has been pinned over 324,000 times from Once Wed and has been repinned by countless brides-to-be!


2. Our second most popular beauty tutorial is one of the simplest- learn how to apply makeup perfectly for a fresh look in just 5 minutes!


3. We loved showing you some tips on how to apply the perfect eyeshadow to complement your green eyes here.


4. You all loved learning how you can brighten your eyes with just 3 products with this “How to Open your Eyes” tutorial!


5. Natural, full brows are all the rage right now, and this tutorial from Amy Clarke is the perfect way to spruce up your brows!


6. Looking for a way to make your skin look flawless? Check out this tutorial– it’s never been easier!


7. You don’t always have to go crazy with the eyeliner to create a smoldering, smoky eye. We have the best way to create a delicate, yet sexy eye in just a few minutes!


8. Ever wondered how to make your natural lashes look more full? Learn how to “fake” having thicker lashes here!


9. For brides looking to up their makeup game by adding in a little airbrushing, we taught you how to create a flawless look in just a few steps with Temptu!


10. And once you have your airbrushing skills down, you can recreate this perfect, natural wedding day look!

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