Movies That Unexpectedly Have Amazing Love Stories


This movie got a lot of press for its lack of dialogue, but something that was an unexpected surprise was the love story.

Once again, Ryan Gosling plays a man devoted to a woman that he loves. However, the ending to this love story is very different from his other movies.


Like most Tim Burton films, this is one has a dark twist featuring a man who has scissors for hands. At first glance you might think this would be a horror film but it is actually an interesting love story between him and a young girl.


No one expected UP to be anything other than a funny kid’s film. After the first few minutes it was able to package one of the sweetest, tragic love stories totally silent. Since then people have recreated Ellie and Carl in engagement shoots because it’s such a great love story.


After watching the first half of this movie you might expect some failed attempted at a romantic storyline that would somehow save it from just being a movie about some bro’s porn addiction.

This movie pleasantly suprises you with a very touching love story, and strips the main character of his outrageous ways.


Yes, this movie said up front that it’s about a man who falls in love with his operating system, but most people expected it to be more about the commentary on our society than a depiction of an actual relationship.

Well, this movie ended up turning that expectation on its head. The relationship between the two end up being quite realistic and relatable.


This big blockbuster was sold on its star power and special effects. What it wasn’t publicized was the touching love story of Leonardo Dicaprio’s character and his wife. It does, however, have a huge affect on his character and the disasturous situation he’s in.


If anyone simply described this movie as a man who falls in love with a doll then they wouldn’t expect it to be compelling, but Ryan Gosling proves those people wrong. This love story couldn’t be any better if Bianca was played by a real actress.


There are a lot of things going on in this franchise, but like Star Wars, two characters’ love for each other ends up stealing the show. The love story between Aragorn and Eowyn is the culprit for this movie.


Along with First Class, we got the back story of so many characters include Mystique, Professor X and Magneto. The love triangle between them is very different from love triangle stories before it because the conflict that comes between them are based on something important—how to probably start a movement.


Star Wars is undoubtedly an action franchise but the back and forth between Han Solo and Princess Leia is such a big part of it. These two characters will forever be remembered as one of many great fictional romances.


You may think this movie is just about a little robot living in the future, but it turns out to be a story of Wall-E saving Eve because he quickly connects to her. What a great twist!


Rocky is about a boxer who gets to go up against a heavy-weight champion. Most people focus on the workout montages. But this movie also had a great love story between him and Adrian, a pet shop worker. The scene of their date at the ice skating rink is one of the best parts of the movie.

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