How To Tell What a Man Will Be Like in Bed by the Way He Eats


Good news ladies! Now you have a chance to find out a man’s sex habits before having a night of love with him. These two processes have a lot in common. You know that men love to eat and, of course, they love having sex. And they satisfy their needs in the same way. So, what do you need to pay attention to?


1. He’s eating in a rush It’s not hard to imagine his behaviour in bed. He doesn’t have time for any meaningful prelude (foreplay), and he’s not really interested in long-term relations. Such a man just wants to satisfy HIS sexual desires fast and that’s all.


2. He isn’t a picky eater When he’s hungry – it doesn’t matter for him what to eat and where. The same in bed- he’ll satisfy his sexual desires with the first woman he has a chance to bed. But, on the other hand, he won’t think that sex is bad and won’t tell you this, because he isn’t a picky guy.


3. Well-mannered eater He is a gentleman, he chooses what to eat and what not to eat. He knows everything about table manners. Don’t be skeptical about this. It isn’t a bad sign. It means that he’ll make everything right in bed and he’ll be happy to satisfy all your sexual desires.


4. He’s reading or watching TV during a dinner Such a man gets easily distracted. During sex he’ll be thinking about other things besides you and the love making process. He may think about his problems, his bank account, taking his dog to the vet or something else. He won’t be thinking about your satisfaction, that’s for sure!


5. He is a picky eater This man counts calories, proteins and carbohydrates, he’s trying to choose healty food. He knows all the benefits of eating well. So he’ll be the same in a bed. He’ll choose the most satisfying and exciting positions, he’ll make everything right to give you a boat-load of pleasure. It can be great experincing something new and unusual.


Of course, not all men are the same. But these descriptions are valid for most of the guys out there. So if you want to know more about a man you date – pay attention how he eats!

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