Celebs Transformed by Braces! (10 before and Afters)

Brace Yourselves (tee hee)
Yeah, we made a cheesy pun. So what? These metal mouths are way nerdier than us! They’re also way famous. Maybe we going about this whole life thing wrong. No, but really. Damn nerds. Check it out…


Miley Cyrus
While the rest of her was getting trashy, her teeth were transforming into the only respectable thing she’s got. Now THAT’S a powerful dental device!


Fake Nerd
This woman is a liar and a cheater! She didn’t even need braces. But she’s good proof that you can look cute while enduring severe pain.


Elizabeth Hassle-Bleh
This TV host probably could have used the hipster trend when she was a full on nerd in school. We say she was ahead of her time! Bring back the look, Liz! You’ve got the teeth for it! You’ve got the teeth for a marble statue! #perfect


Cher Lloys
Her new teeth make her look so much more classy, which is not all that classy. But what do you expect? They’re just braces, not magic beans from the dentist. Sugar Free!


Katherine Heigl
She looked cute with crooked teeth, but she looks like a true movie star now.


Emma Watson
Emma Watson needed braces after saying Harry with her mouth wide open so many times. Harry Potter is RIGHT there, Emma. You don’t have to blow your teeth out trying to get his attention! But hey, it worked out well for her! She looks fantastic!


Ashleigh Butler
She was almost destined to be a butler before she fixed those things.


Prince Harry
He’s not Harry Potter and he’s not the owner of crooked teeth anymore. Those are two things he’s not. See? Braces are MAGICAL!


Dakota Fanning
She turned out nicely! Hooray for dentists, or orthodontists…whatever.


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