Gisele Joins Mother Nature In Celebrating World Environment Day!

Yesterday, Gisele embraced World Environment Day by immersing herself in nature and expressing her adoration for Mother Earth to her fans.

Through a series of photos, the model showcased her heartfelt connection with the planet, indulging in the fragrance of flowers, embracing trees, and even planting alongside her children.

Take a glimpse into Gisele’s profound appreciation for the world and read her inspiring words about Mother Nature below as you explore the gallery highlights.

“Mother Nature is our greatest teacher.
She shows us that everything is interconnected and interdependent. Her power comes from her diversity and it depends on it for its survival. Just like with people, our differences are our strengths, and we get stronger when we work together.
Nature doesn’t judge or divide. She nurtures. She reminds us that every form of life is sacred, and important, and has its own special role in creating balance, so all of life can flourish.
Nature has the answers–and by observing her, and mirroring back her example, we can all thrive.
This is our home, and our choices create our future.”

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