50 Hot And Sexy Heidi Klum Photos

Born on June 1, 1973 in Bergisch-Gladbach, a small town near Cologne, Germany, Heidi Klum is a famous German supermodel and actress. It was almost a great coincidence that launched her career as a globally renowned fashion model and swimsuit star when she sent her photos to a model competition hosted by Petra, a magazine for young women. Klum won the competition and signed for a German modelling agency named Metropolitan. After she successfully modelled in Europe for a few years, she moved to US to start modelling there and became even more successful, entering into a long-term association with Victoria’s Secret. She reached the pinnacle of modelling success and in the year 1998, appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s annual Swimsuit Issue. She became known as one of the few original supermodels. Her modelling success led to rewarding marketing campaigns and she also launched her own signature line of sandals, jewelry and perfume.

Like a lot of other models, especially Famke Janssen, Klum then decided to take a dip into the Hollywood waters. She has since frequently made appearances on US TV shows and in Germany. She has also played numerous minor roles in films such as a cameo as the Swiss bombshell Ursula Andress in a biopic by Peter Sellers titled The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004). Klum married British singer Seal and had three children with him. She also has a daughter named Leni fathered by an ex-boyfriend.

Heidi Klum is renowned for her incredible beauty and chiselled figures, but, she is surprisingly very down-to-earth despite being famous as one of the hottest models in the world for more than 20 years now. She considers herself to be a middle class Westphalian girl from a small city and has an adorable goofy sense of humor. She is reportedly very close to her father Gunther.

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