14 Of The Most Airbrushed Celebrity Pics (See The Before And Afters)

It’s almost impossible to look as perfect as some of us deem celebrities look in photos. Heck, some of the celebrities don’t even look like their own images thanks to heavy photoshopping.

Kim Kardashian

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Jessica Alba

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics


most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Brittney Spears

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Eva Longoria

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Kiera Knightley

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics


most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Penelope Cruz

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Kourtney Kardashian

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics


most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Bethenny Frankel

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Jennifer Love Hewitt

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Megan Fox

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Faith Hill

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

Mariah Carey

most ,airbrushed, celebrity,pics

One comment

  1. Kiera Knightley had a strong objection for altering her body with help of airbrushing. But this is a show biz and airbrusing, photoshop are the common tools which are being used to look perfect. I have checked many photos http://guff.com/incredibly-airbrushed-celebrity-photos like this and these are fun to look at.

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